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TitleCapacity for local governance of sanitation services provision among poor urban communities in Honduras
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsSánchez, E, Mejia, T, Smits, S
Pagination9 p.; 6 refs.
Date Published2008-11-19
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Keywordsaccess to sanitation, capacity, governance, honduras, honduras tegucigalpa, sanitation, sdisan, sustainability

Although access to sanitation in Honduras is low, with coverage of only 69%, it is well on its way to meeting the MDGs by rapidly improving the coverage. Nevertheless, these statistics do not reflect the sustainability nor use of these facilities, which would bring down the real coverage. Wastewater mostly isn’t adequately collected and treated, with increasing impact on sustainability of water resources. One of the main reasons for this situation is the limited capacity of communities and authorities to govern sanitation services, or the way in which they engage in decision-making on the planning, implementation, monitoring and support to sanitation services. A study was undertaken to formulate specific recommendations for strengthening the capacity of these actors for improved local governance of sanitation in different types of setting. This paper reports on the finding from the small town of Talanga and the peri-urban areas of Tegucigalpa. Specific recommendations for both types of settings are presented, such as the need to extend post-construction support mechanism from water supply to sanitation and to strengthen participatory planning processes in sanitation development in urban settings. (authors abstract)

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