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The Cairo Water Supply II project continues USAID's assistance to the General Organization for Greater Cairo Water Supply (GOGCWS) with both infrastructural and institutional support.

TitleCairo Water Supply II Project : start-up workshop for the MTSS contract, Mena House Hotel, Cairo, May 9-11, 1993
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsSelim, T, Hurwitz, A
Secondary TitleWash field report
Volumeno. 406
Paginationix, 54 p.: 1 fig.
Date Published1993-01-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordsadministration, egypt, egypt cairo, institutional development, planning, policies, projects, recommendations, training, urban areas, water supply

The Cairo Water Supply II project continues USAID's assistance to the General Organization for Greater Cairo Water Supply (GOGCWS) with both infrastructural and institutional support. The project's two major purposes are to rehabilitate and expand the central city water transmission and strengthen the organization's institutional capacity to operate and maintain the entire water supply system. WASH has organized a start-up workshop to achieve the following: a. common basis of information about the background, scope and purpose of the project; b. better understanding of roles and responsibilities among the parties involved in project implementation; c. better understanding of how to increase the fiscal and managerial autonomy of GOGCWS through the MTSS contract; d. agreement on how to refocus the institutional development component in the MTSS contract; e. improved relationships and written agreements of working together; f. agreement on the next steps leading to the development of the MTSS work plan. This report decribes the preparation and planning for the workshop, including its objectives and schedule.

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