Title | Bolgatanga community water and sanitation pilot project (UNDP/World Bank/GWSC) : report on rural latrines demand survey and delivery strategies |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1988 |
Authors | Brown, A |
Pagination | xi, 47 p.; 3 bijl.; 11 fig.; 7 tab. |
Date Published | 1988-09-01 |
Publisher | UNDP - World Bank - Rural water and sanitation group |
Place Published | Accra, Ghana |
Keywords | ghana, ghana northern ghana, ghana rural water project (ghana), sdiafr, undp pilot project (ghana), water supply, water supply services |
Abstract |
Objectives of survey: as per the expanded terms of reference received on arrival in Bolgatanga, the consultant set out with three main objectives: - to assess levels of affordability of latrines and - to work conclusions from the above survey into an appropriate latrine design that meet the economics and socio-cultural situation in the project area. (part of the authors abstract) |