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TitleBeyond domestic : case studies on poverty and productive uses of water at the household level
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsMoriarty, PB, Butterworth, J, van Koppen, B
Secondary TitleTechnical paper series / IRC
Volumeno. 41
Pagination243 p. : fig., photogr., tab.
Date Published01/2004
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish
ISBN Number9066870443
Other Numbers58971
Keywordscase studies, domestic use, income generation, low-income communities, poverty, sdiman, sdipol, sustainable livelihoods, water use

The case studies in this book contain evidence of how multi-purpose water supplies can help poor women and men to build sustainable livelihoods and fight poverty; analysis of the key issues relating to productive uses of water at the household level; and details of practical experience on how to cater to the demand for productive water. The book includes links to further information and contacts. The book is aimed at professionals seeking to move beyond sectoral boundaries in domestic or irrigation water supply, and contains many suggestions for an agenda of policy change, implementation and further research.


Includes references

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