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Volume 1 describes the work of the preparation mission and the mission's main findings and recommendations.

TitleAral Sea program - phase 1 : World Bank Preparation Mission (February 22 - March 1994) : aide-memoire
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsWorld Bank -Washington, DC, US
Pagination2 vol. (82, 233 p.): fig., tab.
Date Published1994-01-01
PublisherWorld Bank Europe and Central Asia Region, Aral Sea Program Unit
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordsaral sea, ecology, environmental degradation, financing, institution building, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, lakes, planning, programmes, recommendations, tajikistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, water resources management

Volume 1 describes the work of the preparation mission and the mission's main findings and recommendations. Volume 2 contains the following program details: Program 1 (regional water resources management strategy, improving efficiency of operations of dams, and sustainability of dams and reservoirs); Program 2 (hydrometeorological services and data base and MIS for water quality and environment); Program 3 (water quality management (water quality assessment and management and agricultural water quality improvement) and (Remodelling of Syr Darya River Bed and Shardarinsk control units); Program 4 (wetland restoration, restoration of northern part of the Aral Sea and environmental studies in the Aral Sea Basin); Program 5 (clean water, sanitation and health - Uzbekistan (short-term), clean water, sanitation and health - Turkmenistan (short-term), clean water, sanitation and health Kazakhstan (short-term), clean water, sanitation and health (medium-term), and water supply and wastewater management (long-term)); Program 6 (integrated land and water management in upper watersheds) and Program 7 (automatic control systems and civil works in the Amu Darya Basin and automatic control systems and civil works in the Syr Darya Basin). Under the heading Capacity Building Project the project brief and terms of reference are given.

NotesSee also isn 13103 (callno 822 USSR-AS94)
Custom 1210, 822


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