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TitleAquifer recharge by treated wastewaters : Korba case study (Tunisia)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsCherif, S, F. Ayni, E, Jrad, A, Trabelsi-Ayadi, M
Paginationp. 41 - 48; 10 fig.; 1 tab.; 1 box
Date Published2013-01-01
PublisherEcoSan Club
Place PublishedVienna, Austria
Keywordsgroundwater exploration, monitoring, tunisia, wastewater treatment, water quality, water quality monitoring, waterbiotechnology

The recharge of Korba aquifer (Tunisia) by treated wastewater (TWW) via infiltration basin is monitored since 2008 for the changes occurring in groundwater quality after three years of recharge through three significant parameters controlled throughout the studied area: salinity, nitrates concentrations and total coliforms. In this study period, the project shows an improvement of the salinity groundwater levels but no net change in the distribution of nitrate and bacteria else than displacement of the polluted area. [authors abstract]

NotesWith references on p. 47 - 48
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