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TitleAll systems go! - Symposium concept notes for the thematic areas
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
Pagination5 p.
Date Published03/2019
Place PublishedThe Hague, the Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish

The five concept notes for the thematic areas at the All systems go! symposium 2019. The thematic areas are:

  • Sanitation and hygiene: Understanding the systemic shifts necessary for sustained demand, provision and use of sanitation and hygiene services
  • Safe and sustainable water: Systemic approaches to increasing safety and sustainability of drinking water service delivery
  • Financing WASH: Applying a systems approach to financing WASH
  • Fragile states: Understanding risks and opportunities for systems strengthening in a rapidly changing environment
  • Measuring and learning: Measuring and learning about the WASH system and its strengths


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