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Presentations from the WASH Learning Theme 5 - Systems change and collective action session of the All Systems Connect International Symposium 2023.

TitleAll Systems Connect : WASH Learning Theme 5 - Systems change and collective action
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsLuseka, E, Tripathy, S, Lemme, K, Sylvester, R, Oeze, A, Gutiérrez, M, Haridasan, R, Sirait, M, Tomoka, S, Simon, S, Wamisho, R, Ng'ámbi, M, Crichton-Smith, H, Rivera, A
Secondary TitleAll Systems Connect International Symposium, 2-4 May 2023, The Hague, the Netherlands
Pagination7 PPTX files
Date Published05/2023
PublisherOne For All - IRC, Water For People, Water for Good
Place PublishedThe Hague, the Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordspositionality, systems change, systems thinking, WASH in institutions

The All Systems Connect International Symposium was held from 2-4 May 2023, in The Hague, the Netherlands. The event included ten thematic tracks:
C1) CONNECT health
C2) CONNECT finance
C3) CONNECT climate
C4) CONNECT social justice
W1) Delivering safely managed water and sanitation services
W2) Markets and behaviour change: how people invest and driving to scale
W3) Water resource management: finding systemic solutions
W4) Governments, politics and systems change
W5) Systems change and collective action
D) Country Dialogues

Presentations hosted under this resource were part of WASH Learning theme 5: Systems change and collective action. 

To really foster equitable systems and empower collective action, we must identify our universal story. Focusing on themes decolonisation, collective action for WASH, and systems thinking in specific contexts, this theme focused on co-creation and fuelling locally-led solutions.

The theme included the following sessions (please use Microsoft Edge as browser for easy viewing):

W5.1 Decolonising the WASH narrative to localise systems change, Part 1: disrupting the single story, includes:

  • Barriers to equity faced by LMIC researchers - J'Anna-Mare Lue (UC Berkeley, Drexel University)
  • Positionality to increase equity - Euphresia Luseka (Water Governance Specialist and Co-Lead of RWSN Leave No-One Behind Theme)
  • Reimagining data for systems change - Sujata Tripathy (Water For People)

W5.2 Decolonising the WASH narrative to localise systems change, Part 2: changing the narrative

W5.3 WASH systems thinking in fragile contexts and humanitarian settings 

W5.4 WASH in institutions: case studies for systems thinking for WASH in institutions 

W5.5 Collective action to tackle SDG 6, Part 1: Experiences of shifting toward systems approaches and collective action, includes: 

  • Institutionalising systems approaches across Self Help Africa / United Purpose : Our journey so far... - Will Tillett (SHA/UP)
  • Welthungerhilfe's systems journey - Welthungerhilfe
  • WaterAid's systems journey - Hannah Crichton-Smith (WaterAid)

W5.6 Collective action to tackle SDG 6, Part 2: The power of collective action (no presentation available)

W5.7 Ideas market for your WASH systems backpack

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