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Develops a strategy for water resources management in Sub-Saharan Africa based on the principles that water is a scarce resource and that access to it raises issues of economic efficiency, social equity, and environmental sustainability.

TitleAfrican water resources : challenges and opportunities for sustainable development
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsGrey, D, Sharma, NP, Damhaug, T, Gilgan-Hunt, E, Okaru, V, Rothberg, D
Secondary TitleWorld Bank technical paper
Volumeno. 331
Paginationxxv, 115 p. : fig., tab
Date Published1996-09-01
PublisherWorld Bank
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
ISBN Number0821337114
Keywordscapacity building, policies, sdiafr, sdiwrm, sub-saharan africa, sustainable development, water demand, water resources, water resources conservation, water resources management

Develops a strategy for water resources management in Sub-Saharan Africa based on the principles that water is a scarce resource and that access to it raises issues of economic efficiency, social equity, and environmental sustainability. The report recommends an integrated, cross-sectoral, catchment-area approach and identifies five development imperatives: household water security, protection of catchment areas and wetlands, food security, water quality and human health, and intranational and international conflict resolution [World Bank abstract]

NotesBibliography: p. 109-115
Custom 1210, 824


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