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TitleThe advocacy sourcebook
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsO’Connell, M, Burrows, G, Plumb, L
Pagination115 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published2007-09-01
Place PublishedLondon, UK
Keywordsadvocacy, communications media, evaluation, guidelines, monitoring, objectives, organizations, planning, sanitation, sdicom, water supply

The sourcebook covers the following topics:spaces for civil society participation and how to link local, national and international advocacy;the role of WaterAid to improve water supply and sanitation (WSS) in the context of UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); building community capacity for rooted advocacy;the planning process for effective advocacy such as how to identify issues, what tools to use, clarifying the message etc.; resources to be used for advocacy;advocacy actions such as lobbying, campaigns, media etc.;monitoring and evaluation of advocacy. The sourcebook is interspersed with short case studies from national-level advocacy activities in Africa (Ghana, Madagascar, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda), Asia (Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan) and the UK, as well as at the international level (Freshwater Action Network). Further information resources are also provided. In the Annexe, there is a selection of tools, pro-formas, tables and diagrams which advocacy workers may like to reproduce, adapt or distribute. The sourcebook is meant for WaterAid staff and partner organisations, as well as others in the sector, to assist in drawing up advocacy action plans that aim to improve the water supply and sanitation situation of the poorest people in the countries where they work.


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