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This document aims to make more water sector staff aware of the value of using learning in a systematic and analytical way. It provides the basic concepts of action-learning as a main tool for capacity building.

TitleAction-learning : building on experience
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsEspejo, N
Secondary TitleOccasional paper series / IRC
Volumeno. 21
Paginationv, 29 p.: 6 box, 4 tab.
Date Published-1/1993
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordscab93/5, case studies, central america, community participation, group work, guatemala, guidelines, honduras, hyedcom, institution building, man3, methodology, motivation, pakistan, projects, sanitation, sustpar, tonga, water supply

This document aims to make more water sector staff aware of the value of using learning in a systematic and analytical way. It provides the basic concepts of action-learning as a main tool for capacity building. Action-learning is defined in this document as promoting and structuring the human learning capacity to enable agencies and communities to build up on their own organizational and institutional capacities to achieve project objectives. In doing so, it extends the widely held concept of capacity building beyond training courses. Potential settings for action-learning can be meetings, problem-solving activities, group decision-making processes, reporting, or any other working events. The key conditions are that learning goals should be explicit for the people involved, and hence the events should be supported by learning atmospheres and methodologies. Action-learning procedures are presented and explained with examples and illustrations. The final chapter contains some guidelines for implementation of action-learning in water and sanitation projects.


33 ref.

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Citation Key36116


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