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TitleAccelerating self supply : a case study from Uganda
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsDanert, K, Sutton, S
Secondary TitleRural water supply series : field note
Volume2010 - 4
Pagination12 p.; 9 fig.; 4 boxes
Date Published2010-12-01
PublisherRural Water Supply Network, RWSN
Place PublishedSt. Gallen, Switzerland
Keywordscase studies, poverty, private sector, rural areas, rural development, self supply, uganda

The Ministry of Water and Environment as well as numerous non-government organisations in Uganda have several years of experience in the promotion of rainwater harvesting for do-mestic use as well as the piloting of household-led improve-ments to hand-dug wells. It is becoming clear that many house-holds are able and willing to invest in making improvements to their own water supplies. This field note documents the story of promoting such investments in Uganda from the late 1990s to 2010 and sets out a number of key issues that need to be con-sidered as the country develops a Guiding Framework for Accel-erating Access to Safe and Reliable Water through Self Supply in Uganda. These issues include the development of clear guide-lines, training of the private sector, and links to planning and financial mechanisms. [authors abstract]

NotesWith 28 references
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