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TitleAbstracts of evaluation reports of UNICEF-supported water supply and environmental sanitation programmes
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1983
AuthorsUNICEF -New York, NY, US
Secondary TitleInformation for Action Series TIRS/83/06
Date Published1983-01-01
PublisherUNICEF, Programme Development Planning Division
Place PublishedNew York, NY, USA
Keywordsbangladesh, deep wells, demonstration projects, diarrhoeal diseases, egypt, evaluation, hand pumps, health personnel, india, myanmar, nigeria imo state, pakistan karachi, philippines surago city, rural supply systems, safe water supply, seepage pits, social aspects, sudan bahr el ghazal, sudan southern kordofan, swaziland, thailand, training, water use, women
Custom 1021, 022


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