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TitleAbout corruption and transparency in the water and sanitation sector
Publication TypeLiterature Review
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsShordt, K, Stravato, L, Dietvorst, C
Secondary TitleThematic overview paper / IRC
Volumeno. 16
Pagination39 p. : tab.
Date Published2006-12-01
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Keywordscommunity participation, corruption, decentralization, institutional aspects, low-income communities, planning, policies, sanitation, sdiman, water supply

This paper is a brief overview of issues, approaches and information resources. The second half of the paper provides entry to the rapidly growing literature on corruption, transparency and honesty in the WASH sector. Corruption undermines water and sanitation services. It is those without a voice, the poor, who are systematically deprived by corrupt systems. Using resources honestly and effectively, rather than using more resources is arguably an answer to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for sustained water and sanitation services that reach the poor. However, there has been relatively little work to enhance honesty and transparency and reduce corruption specifically in the WASH sector. While there have been effective initiatives, these seem to remain isolated examples of good practice. A long-term perspective with sector-specific work on parallel fronts seems most realistic.


Includes references

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Citation Key58696


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