Country: Ghana | Partner: Maastricht University | Client: University of Cape Coast Water and Sanitation Unit, Department of Chemistry | Duration: 2014 -2018 | Value: 920,000 euro
Published on: 01/01/2014
Full project name: Strengthening the capacity of the University of Cape Coast Water and Sanitation Unit (UCC-WSU) to sustain the provision of professional development support for Environmental Health and Sanitation professionals in MMDAs
IRC partnered with Maastricht University in the Netherlands to develop the capacity the University of Cape Coast-Water and Sanitation Unit (UCC-WSU) to enable them sustain the provision of professional development for Environmental Health and Sanitation professionals in MMDAs in Ghana. The assignment involved Gender based WASH Monitoring and Evaluation, Curriculum enrichment for the Water and Sanitation Unit (WSU), Problem Based Learning and upgrading of the WSU Unit to a department. IRC was assigned the responsibility of conducting a study on WASH M&E systems in Ghana, making proposals on the content of a short course on WASH M&E for EHOs and EHAs, as well as managing and coordinating sub contracts for gender and labour studies. Three reports- Labour study, Gender study and M&E study was produced and quality assured for use by UCC.