Country: Ghana | Partners: Oxford Policy Management (OPM-lead), MAPLE Consult | Client: Government of Ghana +UNICEF | Duration: 2016 - 2018 | Value: 35,000 euro
Published on: 01/01/2016
The Operational Research on Rural Sanitation (OPRES) project was a Government of Ghana - UNICEF funded action research in rural areas in the Volta and Northern Regions in Ghana which was carried out from 2016 to 2018. The assignment was undertaken by a consortium involving IRC Ghana, Oxford Policy Management (OPM-lead) and MAPLE Consult. IRC provided Technical Advisory and Technical Assistance Lead services. The project aimed at strengthening the evidence base upon which implementation approaches can accelerate increased access to rural sanitation, with emphasis on the enabling environment factors associated with good and poor progress in rural sanitation. The work also involved a study on the Sanitation Market approaches deployed by UNICEF and Global Communities in the Volta Region and IDE in the Northern Region.