Guest Blogger: Caleb is a PhD student at the University of Colorado at Boulder in the United States
He's a Graduate Research Assistant on the USAID Sustainable WASH Systems (SWS) Initiative, and his primary work on the project currently involves the exploration of public-private partnerships, preventative maintenance models, and various tariff and financing structures for potential impact on improving and sustaining service delivery levels within the SWS consortium. He worked with IRC during summer 2018 on an academic practicum assignment, assisting with the analysis of IRC's pay-as-you-fetch approach to tariff collection. He also works part-time for Water for People at their headquarters office in Denver, Colorado, USA. An avid lover of the mountains and of bikes, you can usually find him traveling, hiking, or playing with someone's dog.
Case studies of the pay-as-you-fetch (PAYF) model in Kabarole District. Read more...