IRC Associate
Richard Franceys, a Chartered Civil Engineer with an MBA, specialises in institutional development and finance for the water supply and sanitation sector to facilitate universal services with a particular focus on the needs of the poor. Areas of interest include commercialisation & tariff development, economic and financial analysis, institutional analysis, change management of water utilities and public private partnerships, customer involvement & economic regulation in addition to water and sanitation techniques for serving low-income urban settlements. He has investigated aspects of these issues with over 100 utilities in over 60 countries.
For ten years Dr Franceys directed the Global Water Policy and Management MSc programme, Cranfield University, UK, following his time at IHE, Delft and WEDC, Loughborough. Dr Franceys was for 17 years, a ‘Local Consumer Advocate/Regional Member’ with the Consumer Council for Water and its predecessor WaterVoice/CSC, the statutory customer representative in England and Wales, initially part of OFWAT, the water economic regulator. His particular support to CCWater focused upon the financing costs of the privatized utilities in England and Wales and the subsequent effect on consumer tariffs. He has been closely involved in the establishment of WSUP (Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor) and was co-initiator of the Change Management Forum and the ‘24x7’ movement in India.
Richard has worked with IRC on a number of projects, as international adviser on the WASHCost project, directing the Australian DFAT ’Community Water Plus’ research project in India, 2014-2016, and most recently supporting the India office in the ‘Technical Assistance to WATCO [Odisha] for implementation of DRINK TO TAP initiative’.
During 2018-2020 he has acted as Institutional Change Management specialist for MCCU through ASI, supporting Guma Valley Water Company, Freetown in their MCC Threshold Programme. In 2017-18 Dr Franceys acted as the Services Management to the Poor specialist with the Cowater Technical Assistance programme to Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company under the MCA Zambia compact for the Lusaka Water Supply, Sanitation and Drainage Project. He has recently completed three projects for different clients on aspects of ‘Regulating Faecal Sludge Management’, including the preparation of “Referee! - Responsibilities, regulations and regulating for urban sanitation’, for WSUP.
His major publications include:
WASH for WORMS is a cluster-randomised controlled trial to test the hypothesis that a community-based WASH intervention integrated with periodic mass... Read more...
A study on sanitation-related psychosocial stress among Indian women in Odisha finds that: Sanitation-behaviors are more expansive than urination and... Read more...
This study investigates the Swajaldhara programme concerning drinking water supply in Rajasthan, Jaipur District. Read more...
This study assesses the 24x7 water supply project in Punjab. Read more...
Presentation of WASH sustainability check results, sharing the findings of sustainability checks undertaken in Ethiopia in 2015. Read more...
How the life-cycle costing approach can be applied in refugee camp situations. Findings from a pilot study in Ethiopia and Chad. Read more...
This case study investigates the support given by the Drinking Water and Sanitation Department (DWSD), Government of Jharkhand, to community service... Read more...
International consultations on targets and indicators for post-2015 WaSH identified non-household settings as a priority, but not all countries are... Read more...
BRAC WASH has researched how to develop a viable process for faecal sludge-based organic fertiliser. Read more...
Production problems and insufficient demand led to the termination of ceramic filter production. Trouble-free production and high demand are... Read more...
The report provides insights on the cost of providing water in emergency situations using two camps as case studies. The life-cycle costs approach... Read more...
Ce rapport résume les principaux constats d'une étude exhaustive sur la qualité de l'eau consommée dans les communes d'Aribinda et de Gorgadji dans... Read more...
This study presents the first adaptation of the life-cycle costs approach to school WASH interventions. It is based on a survey of the sanitation and... Read more...
Forte de son expérience, IRC Burkina Faso propose de combler certaines des lacunes du guide méthodologique révisé du PCD-APEA destiné aux communes. Read more...
A step by step guide on the siting of drilled water wells, from consideration of the user needs up to engaging a drilling contractor to construct the... Read more...
Drawing on data on from 54 low- and middle-income countries on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in health care facilities, the report... Read more...
Providing solutions for the safe and commercially viable collection and composting of faecal sludge for use in agriculture and horticulture in... Read more...
Development partners are giving more attention to professionalisation of community management, recognition of alternative service provider options... Read more...