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Kathy Shordt
Former IRC Associate & Senior Programme Officer
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Policy and politics (286)
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Sanitation (314)
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Social justice and equity (2)
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Systems approach (139)
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Water (5)
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WASHCost (20)
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Sustainable WASH Systems (SWS) Learning Partnership (11)
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BRAC WASH Programme (10)
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Triple-S (8)
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Completed Projects (4)
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Community Water Plus in India (3)
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Collective action for district-wide WASH services in six African countries (2)
Apply Collective action for district-wide WASH services in six African countries filter
ONEWASH Plus (2)
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Partnership for WASH Systems in Africa (2)
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REACH: improving water security for the poor (2)
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USAID Transform WASH (2)
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L’apprentissage sectoriel dans les pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du centre (1)
Apply L’apprentissage sectoriel dans les pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du centre filter
Life-cycle cost approach in refugee camps (1)
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Sector learning in West and Central African Countries (1)
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WASHCost (1)
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India (79)
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Ethiopia (43)
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Ghana (42)
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Bangladesh (38)
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Kenya (34)
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Uganda (32)
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Burkina Faso (25)
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Haiti (3)
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Papua New Guinea (3)
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Brazil (2)
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Cameroon (2)
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Chad (2)
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China (2)
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Colombia (2)
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Finance and cost of capital: an additional cost made visible
A new method for the determination of water quality : technical note
What next after completing the first national WASH inventory? : suggestions from stakeholders at the national, regional, and woreda level
Raising visibility and voices of the urban poor : civil society’s engagement in urban water and sanitation reform – experiences from WaterAid country programmes
Data reconciliation in Southern Africa : report on a regional workshop looking at monitoring approaches in the water and sanitation sector
Sustainability and equity aspects of total sanitation programmes : a study of recent WaterAid-supported programmes in Nepal
Does the private sector deliver on its promises? : evidence from a global study in water and electricity
Accelerating self supply : a case study from Uganda
Water ethics and water resource management
External Evaluation: the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the WASH good governance and accountability project
Report on the Second Monitoring Study on Perceptions, Attitudes and Practices of WASH Good Governance and Accountability
Baseline and Monitoring 2009 on Perceptions, Attitudes and Practices on WASH Good Governance and Accountability
Financing the millennium development goals for water and sanitation: what will it take?
Communal toilets in urban poverty pockets : use and user satisfaction associated with seven communal toilet facilities in Bhopal, India : briefing note
An observational study on the effectiveness of point-of-use chlorination
Getting to policy impact : lessons from 20 years of bridging science and policy with sustainability knowledge
Zambia : Lusaka urban sector profile : participatory slum upgrading programme in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries
Zambia : national urban profile
Infrastructure for poverty reduction and economic development in Africa
Planning and decision making processes for sustainable rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene : a case study of Bosomtwe and Ejura-Sekyedumase districts, Ashanti-region, Ghana : a thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah Unive
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water supply
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WASH technologies
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rural areas
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gender and equity
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water resources management
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private sector
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operation & maintenance
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sanitation services
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drinking water
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borehole and hand pump
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hand washing
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water quality
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capacity support
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rural water supply
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community management
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wastewater treatment
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water services
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systems approach
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diarrhoeal diseases
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case study
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Millennium Development Goals
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WASH in schools
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collective action
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cost recovery
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water treatment
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water distribution
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faecal sludge management
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IRC events
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urban sanitation
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water shortage
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ict for wash
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knowledge and information management
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Sustainable Development Goals
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all systems go Africa
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public toilets
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Apply rainwater filter
rural sanitation
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sector monitoring
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sector learning
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surface waters
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transparency and accountability
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water conservation
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all systems connect
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fragile states
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life-cycle cost approach
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life-cycle costs
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local governance
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menstrual hygiene
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tariffs taxes transfers
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thematic overview paper / state-of-the-art review / literature review
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WASH events
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open defecation
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WASH in health care facilities
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WASH sector
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