Programme Officer
Mélanie is a water and sanitation engineer working in the WASH sector since 2002. She worked 5 years in the private sector in hydraulic design and construction followed by 7 years in the humanitarian and development sector. Mélanie has an extensive field experience as WASH programme manager and coordinator mainly in emergency contexts, and was based and worked in various countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
She joined IRC in 2012 as a Programme Officer and has been involved in various research and monitoring initiatives, mainly in the field of sanitation, hygiene and MUS (Multiple Use of water Services). Mélanie is the facilitator of the online life-cycle costing training and is working with UNCHR to adapt the life-cycle cost approach to emergency contexts.
Languages: English, German, French, Spanish
On the 4 th of April, a conference on “Improving Resilience Building Water Strategies in Arid Lands” has gathered about 100 participants in Nairobi, Kenya. The conference aimed at sharing experiences of the Kenya Arid Lands Disaster Risk Reduction (KALDRR) WASH program with experts of the WASH and... Read more...
Summarising the key findings agreed upon by the participants of the three‐day workshop Read more...
This paper describes and discusses existing and emerging models for the provision of urban and small town water services in Ghana. Read more...
Du 12 au 14 novembre 2013, s'est tenu à Cotonou au Bénin, un atelier régional d'apprentissage et d'échanges d'Afrique de l'ouest. Le thème portait sur : « De l'Assainissement Total Piloté par les Communautés (ATPC) à un service d'assainissement pérenne». Organisé par l'IRC et ses partenaires ('... Read more...