Former IRC Programme Officer
IRC and partners have supported the government of Sierra Leone in launching an initiative for learning in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector. A sector learning framework has been developed in consultation with sector players. Now leadership and commitment are needed to move sector learning... Read more...
In Stockholm, CWSA and IRC presented Ghana's new monitoring framework for rural and small town water services, which enables monitoring of services provided and sustained at scale. Read more...
Sierra Leone's Ministry of Water Resources and Ministry of Health and Sanitation have spearheaded learning and better coordination in the sector to achieve national water and sanitation targets.Translating high-level commitment into daily practice takes determination, time and skills. Read more...
Many sector organisations in Uganda believe water boards will bridge gaps in community management. The IRC-led Triple-S initiative has been supporting an experiment to assess whether and how these boards can be made viable. Read more...
The Water and Health Conference: Science, Policy and Innovation, will consider drinking water supply, sanitation, hygiene and water resources in both the developing and developed worlds with a strong public health emphasis.The Conference will take place in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. IRC's... Read more...
Menstrual hygiene management is of critical importance for school going girls. Last week in Kampala a conference on menstrual hygiene management aimed to break the silence and move towards solutions. One of the drivers of the conference was a study undertaken by IRC and SNV Uganda. Read more...
Improving the performance of the WASH sector to achieve services for life requires change within organisations and sector institutions. Such change cannot be achieved with standardised one-off training for individual staff. A short paper describes our experience in Indonesia with Capacity Self-... Read more...
This week, Uganda will host the first Menstrual Hygiene Management Conference in East Africa. The conference will showcase good practices and stimulate discussions on how improve menstrual hygiene management, especially in schools. Read more...
The capacity to continuously learn and adapt is critical for dealing with complex challenges and future uncertainties. In this first blog in a series about 'a learning and adaptive sector', we discuss why learning is central to achieving water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services for life. Read more...
Background paper for the Symposium on Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation: Strengthening capacity for local governance Read more...
There are a range of sustainability tools for water. However tools alone do not automatically mean that services will improve, especially for the poorest and most vulnerable. Read more...
Monday marked the start of the 5th WASH Sustainability Forum. Here's my take on discussions on tools for making investments in sanitation have lasting results. Read more...
This week, the 5th WASH Sustainability Forum will bring together representatives from civil society, government, universities and the private sector eager to share ideas on how to make our investments and efforts in water sanitation and hygiene have sustainable results. Read more...
Hoe zorg je dat water, sanitatie en hygiene (WASH) voorzieningen in ontwikkelingslanden niet na 2 of 3 jaar kapot gaan? Dat als ze kapot gaan, er iemand is die ze repareert? En hoe zorg je dat deze cyclus van vervangen en vernieuwen continu is, zodat mensen overal ter wereld kunnen vertrouwen op... Read more...
Amsterdam will soon host the 5th WASH Sustainability Forum, where over 160 water, sanitation and hygiene professionals will discuss how to tackle sustainability challenges. Read more...
Menstruation is an integral and normal part of human existence, but a taboo subject and neglected in most WASH programmes. It's time to better understand challenges around menstrual hygiene management and to act. Read more...