Programme Officer | Knowledge Management and Communications | Change Hub
Sára has a bachelor's degree from ELTE University in Budapest (HU) in English and American Studies and a master's degree from Vilnius University (LT) and Hanze UAS (NL) in International and Intercultural Communications with a focus on sustainable development.
At IRC she is part of the Global Programme where she leads knowledge management activities, supports the organisation's work in districts and focus countries (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Mali, Niger and Uganda) and engages with governments and partners dedicated to WASH systems strengthening through various consultancy assignments.
Reflecting on a decade of collaboration in the WASH sector Read more...
This toolkit aims to support WaterAid's country strategy and programme development as well as 'everyday' decision making by providing a structured... Read more...
Developing viable business models to provide point-of-use safe water services to communities at the base of the pyramid (BoP). Read more...
This introductory chapter describes the origin and development of Learning Alliances, key concepts, expected outcomes and the steps and activities... Read more...
Kenneth is dedicated to improving WASH challenges by giving a voice to communities. Read more...
Out of IRC's 50 years of existence, retired Communications Director, Dick de Jong spent 30 years with the organisation. We asked him to reflect on memorable moments and share his views on IRC's future. Read more...
Neither rural sustainability checks, nor urban benchmarking frameworks, are entirely suitable for monitoring small town water services. Read more...
Interventions that ensure women have access to private facilities with water for Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) and that educate women about... Read more...
Watershed partners beat the drum for public finance, civil society and good water governance. Read more...
"The award contributed to WASH in ways beyond my imagination" - we talked with Benti Ejeta from Ethiopia about his first year as an awardee . Read more...
A conceptual framework for social inclusion In WASH programmes and the dilemmas and challenges involved in ensuring that no one is left behind are... Read more...
US$ 450,000 for collective action towards universal WASH access. Read more...
The Hague, 28 March 2018 – The Osprey Foundation has awarded US$ 450,000 over three years to IRC – a leading champion of universal access to sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services. The aim of the investment is to support vital functions that ensure IRC can continue to lead collective... Read more...
This brief presents the lessons learnt and advocacy messages from this e-discussion for influencing sector discourse on this topic and ensuring that... Read more...
Water-related emotional distress is predominantly associated with the 'cost of water' and the 'size of household'. Read more...
Helping WASH organisations become more inclusive both in their interventions and within their organisation. Read more...
How can organisations become more reflective of and responsive to the needs of people they serve. Read more...
How do you finance water utilities when traditional sources of capital dry up? Read more...
Since not everyone can be served by sewerage systems in the near future, septage management is one of available options to achieve sanitation for all... Read more...