Programme Officer | Knowledge Management and Communications | Change Hub
Sára has a bachelor's degree from ELTE University in Budapest (HU) in English and American Studies and a master's degree from Vilnius University (LT) and Hanze UAS (NL) in International and Intercultural Communications with a focus on sustainable development.
At IRC she is part of the Global Programme where she leads knowledge management activities, supports the organisation's work in districts and focus countries (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Mali, Niger and Uganda) and engages with governments and partners dedicated to WASH systems strengthening through various consultancy assignments.
The guide is designed for a two-week workshop for district-level development agents. It concentrates on the skills necessary to oversee latrine... Read more...
The document has been developed as a complement to WASH Technical Report No. 32, "Facilitator Guide for Conducting a Team Planning Meeting... Read more...
This manual explains how to organise and conduct focus groups, in order to ensure that they run smoothly and that potential users will be able to... Read more...