Programme Officer | Knowledge Management and Communications | Change Hub
Sára has a bachelor's degree from ELTE University in Budapest (HU) in English and American Studies and a master's degree from Vilnius University (LT) and Hanze UAS (NL) in International and Intercultural Communications with a focus on sustainable development.
At IRC she is part of the Global Programme where she leads knowledge management activities, supports the organisation's work in districts and focus countries (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Mali, Niger and Uganda) and engages with governments and partners dedicated to WASH systems strengthening through various consultancy assignments.
Everyone in Digambarpur has access to a basic level of water service thanks to support model that allows w ater committees to outsource technical... Read more...
This "how to" note provides practical guidance on how to analyse value for money (VFM) in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programmes. It shows... Read more...
Whilst poor design or siting of latrines or hygiene related facilities are not the root cause of violence, these issues can contribute to increased... Read more...
This brief summarises recent data on budget allocations to sanitation in four African municipalities. Read more...
What is domestic public finance? and why is it essential for providing universal water and sanitation services? Read more...
For Ghana the main recommendations were to revisit the Service Delivery Approach (SDA) , introduce more robust monitoring, increase sector funding... Read more...
This paper describes how the ASTRA tool can help identify potentially appropriate technical solutions fro the delivery of arsenic and saline-free... Read more...
What is the best technical solution to deal with arsenic-polluted and saline water in Bangladesh? When is it better to treat the water or to choose... Read more...
Triple-S has successfully promoted sustainability and the Service Delivery Approach (SDA) at the international level and in target countries. The... Read more...
The domain of inquiry of this review is the rural water sector in low- and middle-income countries. Read more...
Providing solutions for the safe and commercially viable collection and composting of faecal sludge for use in agriculture and horticulture in... Read more...
A state of the art of strengthening monitoring water supply and sanitation in developing countries. Google scholar Read more...
An introduction to ten building blocks to support sustainable service delivery. Read more...
Learning and knowledge management supported at national and decentralised levels to enable the sector to adapt based on experience. Read more...
Case study on rapid assessment to identify supply chain challenges. Read more...