Programme Officer | Knowledge Management and Communications | Change Hub
Sára has a bachelor's degree from ELTE University in Budapest (HU) in English and American Studies and a master's degree from Vilnius University (LT) and Hanze UAS (NL) in International and Intercultural Communications with a focus on sustainable development.
At IRC she is part of the Global Programme where she leads knowledge management activities, supports the organisation's work in districts and focus countries (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Mali, Niger and Uganda) and engages with governments and partners dedicated to WASH systems strengthening through various consultancy assignments.
This document assesses the community-managed rural water supply programmes in Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran. Read more...
This document presents the approach of community-based managed of water supply in Mallapuram District, Kerala. Read more...
This case study presents the case of the World Bank assisted Jal Nirmal Project in Karnataka. Read more...
This is a case study on the Water and Sanitation Management Organization (WASMO), the entity dedicated to rural water supply in Gujarat, illustrated... Read more...
This study investigates the decentralized water service delivery system in Kodur Gram Panchayat, Kerala. Read more...
This study assesses the professionally-managed community owned/influenced decentralised drinking water delivery systems in Telangana and Andhra... Read more...
This report details the services provided by Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran (MJP) in Amravati District, Maharashtra which is a Multi-Village Scheme. Read more...
This study assesses a project in Uttarakhand during which water schemes and rural sanitations were developed to address the water crisis in this... Read more...
'End of ownership' models in the water and sanitation sector are generally found in places with a limited public sector and unregulated markets. Read more...
A country needs to meet a certain development or income threshold before aid can prove to be effective and aid flows tend to have diminishing returns. Read more...
Sharing a sanitation facility with just one to two other households can increase the risk of moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) in young children,... Read more...
Decision-support tool to aid the identification of potentially appropriate drinking water methods for arsenic- and salt-mitigation in Bangladesh... Read more...
In the context of urban Haiti, household container-based sanitation services (CBS) systems have the potential to satisfy many residents' desire for... Read more...
The costs of a pilot small-scale container-based sanitation service (CBS) were higher than those of large-scale waterborne sewerage, but economies of... Read more...
IRC and Water For People have developed a roadmap to achieve universal piped water coverage in 30 focus districts in Honduras as well as having plans... Read more...
There are six methodological stages for selecting indicators for WaSH: define the purpose and scope; select a conceptual framework; search for... Read more...
WASH for WORMS is a cluster-randomised controlled trial to test the hypothesis that a community-based WASH intervention integrated with periodic mass... Read more...
Fact sheet providing an overview of rural and small towns water services in the Upper West Region, Ghana. Read more...
Une gestion approximative des services d'assainissement et d'hygiène entraîne nécessairement des conséquences de santé publique pour une société... Read more...
Webinar recording discussing two initiatives from Asia related to the topic how to move from building infrastructure to creating support mechanisms... Read more...