Elynn Walter joined IRC in February 2016. She is an advocacy professional and holds a master's degree in global public health. Elynn has worked in US and global advocacy providing strategic guidance and training to the WASH and related sectors. She has extensive experience in the WASH and health nexus and contributes to IRC's influencing work in Africa, Asia and Latin America. She has organised and facilitated blended learning courses and workshops on advocacy, systems strengthening, gender, health, education, and environmental conservation. Based in the Washington DC, she led IRC's partnership work in the United States. Elynn was a Community Health Educator in the Peace Corps in Turkmenistan and has worked for the US government as well as the private and non-profit sectors.
The paper provides background on the concept of complex systems, its applicability to WASH, and some proposed approaches for practitioners to use... Read more...
This working document provides insights into current practice relating to social inclusion in integrated water resources management (IWRM) programmes... Read more...
A briefing note on the use of cellular and satellite connected sensors for near-time monitoring of rural water services in Ethiopia. Read more...
This study showcases a way for practitioners to better understand the complexities inherent in rural water development using expert opinion and... Read more...
A discussion on ways to use existing systems to improve scale and sustainability of hygiene promotion efforts. Read more...
Existing models used for financing water infrastructure development do not seem very applicable to the realities of small towns. Read more...
Neither rural sustainability checks, nor urban benchmarking frameworks, are entirely suitable for monitoring small town water services. Read more...
This report reviews the landscape of technologies, methods, and approaches that can support and improve on the water and sanitation indicators... Read more...
Video recording of a webinar on the findings of a landscape study on the use of monitoring frameworks for the assessment of WASH systems. Read more...
The 'Participatory Systems-based Planning and Evaluation Process' (PS-PEP) was tested in Nicaragua and found to be a powerful tool for WASH project... Read more...
Innovative mechanisms for the financing of capital maintenance of piped systems in Ghana may not necessarily fix the problems of poor service... Read more...
Possessing a non-shared latrine neither guarantees safety to its users nor its categorisation as 'improved'. Instead, the state of the latrine, the... Read more...
Projects that integrate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH interventions, climate resilience and fresh water conservation are more efficient and... Read more...
This learning note summarizes a study commissioned to map examples of public-private collaboration in consumer sanitation markets from around the... Read more...
This document sets out some of the main service authority and service provider functions required for delivery of sustainable rural water supply... Read more...
Burkina Faso was unable to generate full funding for its previous national programme to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), falling... Read more...
Drivers of sustainability in rural water services are increased robustness and reliability of water technology and the associated impact this has on... Read more...