Research Officer | IRC Ethiopia
Betelhem Gebeyehu is working as a Research and Systems Strengthening Officer at IRC WASH in Ethiopia. Betelhem got her bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. Then she came to have her MSc in Environmental Sciences (Specialisation in Water Systems and Global Change) at Wageningen University and Research. She concentrated her studies on water quality, water resources management, and systems thinking. She started working with IRC Ethiopia via the Young Expert Programme (YEP) mainly involved in USAID Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership in 2017.
In her professional journey at IRC, Betelhem has been supporting several projects in different capacities focusing on the development of WASH master plans, producing research and learning papers, training and capacity building for different actors, facilitation of leaning alliance platforms and overall systems strengthening.
Chaque année, la diarrhée provoque la mort de plus de trois millions d'enfants. Read more...
Au cours des années 1980, le désengagement progressif de l'Etat s'est accompagné de l'encouragement de la société civile à la cogestion des secteurs... Read more...
Plus de 3 millions d'enfants meurent chaque année d'infections intestinales dans les pays en développement et 1/3 de la population mondiale souffre... Read more...
Du point de vue des catégories du discours biomédical, notamment ses conceptions de l'hygiène, de la santé et de la maladie, il s'avère que la... Read more...
Le système d'approvisionnement en eau potable a considérablement évolué de nos jours. Read more...
Dans le cadre du projet pompage solaire expérimenté par le CREPA à Goundri, un quartier de bas standing à la périphérie de la ville de Ouagadougou,... Read more...
This material is intended to complement the publication Emergency water sources : guidelines for selection and treatment. Read more...