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Mancomunidad de Municipios del Centro de La Paz Honduras (Elias Assaf)


It is through collaboration that we will achieve our mission and goals - partnerships are central to all we do

Working with government

At the heart of our work is a collaboration with governments in our partner districts. It's with the government that we establish district partnerships bringing together communities, leaders, service providers, scientists, practitioners, NGOs and supporters. Our partnerships are guided by district water, sanitation and hygiene master plans, aiming to achieve one vision: ensuring everyone in our partner districts (a combined population of more than 3.45 million people) has sustainable and affordable access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene services.

Working with local government

Achieving impact at scale

It's through our national and global partnerships we bring our work to scale. Scaling the successes we've seen in our partner districts, requires clear and strong political commitment not just to strengthening services – but to a systems approach that drives sustainable change.

Our partnerships are founded on a deep-rooted commitment to drive change through collective action.  

Destination 2030: In 2021, we cemented an Alliance with Water For People and launched a joint visionary Destination 2030 Strategy. Destination 2030 is all about a shared commitment to scale, impact and change, with the delivery of services to everyone in our partner districts at its heart. 

Agenda for Change: Agenda For Change launched in 2015. It's a collaboration of like-minded organisations that have adopted a set of common principles and approaches. Together we advocate for, and support national and local governments in, strengthening the water, sanitation and hygiene systems required to deliver universal, sustained access as outlined under Sustainable Development Goal 6.

Sanitation and Water for All: SWA is the United Nations-hosted partnership working towards the joint objective of water, sanitation, and hygiene for all, always, and everywhere. It's a powerful platform able in mobilising governments, utilities, regulators, donors, financial institutions, UN agencies, civil society and research organizations, and the private sector. And effective in increasing political support for the human rights to water and sanitation. Our CEO is currently SWA's global chair. 

Achieving impact at scale

We connect

Too much activity in water and sanitation lacks political ambition, vision and leadership in many countries.  Too many see providing a shared handpump or pit latrine as acceptable goals. We believe they are not. To bring justice and achieve a better world, we must be connecting people and ideas, systems and solutions. IRC is mobilising the water, sanitation and hygiene sector to unite with change-makers –  experts, activists, decision-makers and influencers – from climate, economic development, education, gender rights, health and beyond. By building alliances we will achieve the human rights gains across the SDGs we all want. 

We connect


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