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Guidance and tools for designing, developing, planning, implementing and monitoring and evaluation of a market-based sanitation approach and related sanitation product & service delivery mechanisms.

TitleNational market based sanitation training manual
Publication TypeManual
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsMisganaw, A, Wube, A, Wassie, A, Yetum, T, Fentaye, S, Negash, M, Kumela, D, Tesfaye, D, Achenbach, M, Mebrate, E, Osterwalder, M, Worku, M, Deribew, D, Mohhamed, S
Corporate AuthorsIRC
Pagination90 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published12/2020
PublisherMinistry of Health
Place PublishedAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
Publication LanguageEnglish
KeywordsSanitation marketing

This training manual is for WASH sector staff, policy makers and sanitation sector specialists in Ethiopia. It provides guidance and tools for designing, developing, planning, implementing and monitoring and evaluation of a market-based sanitation approach and related sanitation product & service delivery mechanisms.

The training manual comprises seven interrelated modules: (1) Introduction and background; (2) Pillars of the market-based sanitation (MBS) approach; (3) Market development; (4) Marketable sanitation technology options; (5) Social and behavioral communication (SBCC) for sanitary marketing; (6) Required skills for a WASH market development approach; and (7) Monitoring and evaluation of WASH market development.


Includes 47 ref., a glossary of terms and a list of market based sanitation (MBS) indicators.

Citation Key88018




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