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Using the Life-Cycle Cost Approach to understand the rural WASH budget.

TitleAnalysis of rural WASH budget : findings from 4 Gram Panchayats of Ganjam district in Odisha, India
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsShiva, R, Saha, S
Secondary TitleDecentralised Public Finance for WASH: Policy and Practice Learnings
Pagination29 p. : 21 fig., 5 tab.
Date Published07/2021
PublisherIRC/Watershed, Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA), and WaterAid India
Place PublishedNew Delhi, India
Publication LanguageEnglish

This paper is a product of the Watershed Empowering Citizens programme (2016-2020). The data for this paper was collected during the course of the programme and analysed in January 2021. 

The paper comprises of two parts, namely – Part 1: Allocations and Expenditure on Rural WASH, and Part 2: Using the Life-Cycle Cost Approach to understand the Rural WASH budget. As the name suggests, Part I analyses the trends in allocation and expenditure on rural water and sanitation over four years in 4 Gram Panchayats (GPs) - Agastinuagaon, Aryapalli, Kanamana and Podapadar – of Chhatrapur block in Ganjam district of Odisha. It discusses the allocation and expenditure of public finance by the respective local self-government (the GP). Part II of the series dives deep into the analysis of the nature of budgetary allocations made on water and sanitation in the same GPs.


Includes ref.

Citation Key87878




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