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Strategies and steps towards inclusion of persons with disabilities in the improvement of water and sanitation services in Ethiopia.

TitleIncluding persons with disabilities in the improvement of WASH services
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsHimanen, A, Butterworth, JA
Secondary TitleCOWASH Learning Note
Pagination12 p. : 14 boxes, 4 fig.
Date Published08/2020
PublisherMinistry of Water, Irrigation and Energy, Ramboll Finland Oy, Niras Finland and IRC
Place PublishedAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
Publication LanguageEnglish

This learning note, based on interviews and case stories from five Ethiopian regions, summarises the strategies and steps that the COWASH (Community-Led Accelerated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)  project has taken towards inclusion of persons with disabilities in the improvement of services. It includes key results and highlights lessons learned. The voices of persons with disabilities are included throughout, reflecting a key aspect of the COWASH approach to inclusion.

Citation Key87324



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