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Government should take the lead in making sure WASH services are empowering; NGOs should support government in monitoring empowerment in WASH programming; and communities should promote marginalised voices, participation and engagement of all.

TitleMeasuring empowerment in WASH : policy brief : Ghana
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsBori, S, Dickin, S, Bisung, E, Atengdem, J
Secondary TitleREACH policy brief. Ghana
Pagination6 p. : 3 fig.
Date Published06/2019
Place PublishedThe Hague, the Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish

This policy brief provides an overview and key findings of the Empowerment in WASH study in Asutifi North District, Ghana and presents recommendations drawn from dissemination workshops held at a District Level Learning Alliance Platform (DLLAP) at the Asutifi North District Assembly and a National Level Learning Alliance Platform in Accra. It is primarily based on the Stockholm Environment Institute, 2018. Empowerment in Wash Index, Asutifi North, Ghana Technical Report and on discussions at dissemination workshops in Asutifi North District and Accra, Ghana. The Empowerment in WASH Index (EWI) is an assessment and monitoring tool - developed by SEI and Queens University, in collaboration with IRC and piloted in Burkina Faso and Ghana - that aims to close the evidence gap on the links between WASH interventions and the empowerment and well-being of individuals. Challenges identified by EWI go beyond infrastructure-oriented solutions and address more structural (e.g. social norms, governance systems) changes. The EWI study was funded by an Accelerated grant provided by the REACH programme, which is itself funded by UK aid from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) 


Includes 5 ref.

Citation Key86071



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