Find out about what IRC is doing and what is going on in the world of water, sanitation and hygiene. Use the filters to narrow down your search.
The Agenda for Change meeting in Bamako, Mali, held from November 12th to 14th, 2024, brought together members from across the Sahel region (Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso) to discuss and identify collaborative activities for strengthening WASH systems. Read more...
Our Annual Report highlights some of our achievements in 2023, connecting people and ideas, systems and solutions to achieve justice for all Read more...
One step closer to safe healthcare facilities in rural areas Read more...
Achieving systems strengthening at scale by inspiring political commitment Read more...
IRC Mali, à travers le projet "santé maternelle et eau potable", a mis en oeuvre le processus WASH-FIT dans les maternités rurales de ses communes d'intervention. Read more...
La Directrice Pays d'IRC Mali rend visite aux communes d'intervention pour renforcer le partenariat en vue d'atteindre l'ODD6 d'ici 2030. Read more...
Saving lives by working with local health professionals
Une vidéo retrace le processus de mise en œuvre du projet "Eau potable et santé maternelle" dans trois communes du Mali. Read more...
A video retraces the implementation process of the "Drinking water and maternal health" project in three districts in Mali Read more...
IRC has developed a JMP 2020 synthesis report for Mali and is sharing the results with WASH sector actors. Read more...
IRC élabore le rapport synthèse du JMP 2020 au Mali et partage les résultats avec les acteurs du secteur WASH. Read more...
What impact did we have in our focus countries in 2020? Sharing highlights from IRC's Annual Report. Read more...
IRC opens a formal office in capital Bamako and makes a long-term commitment to the country. Read more...
A workshop was organised in Nossombougou to strengthen the capacity of village water point management committees Read more...
What impact did we have in our focus countries in 2019? Sharing highlights from IRC's Annual Report . Read more...
Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso have put in place a number of measures around drinking water and sanitation in the fight against the coronavirus. But have the needs of the most vulnerable people really been taken into account? Are they able to cope during this pandemic? Read more...
Le Mali, le Niger et le Burkina Faso ont mis en œuvre une batterie de mesures sociales dans le secteur eau potable et assainissement dans le cadre de la lutte contre le coronavirus. Mais les besoins des populations, notamment celles dites vulnérables ont-elles été réellement prises en compte pour... Read more...
Comment pouvez-vous aider les ONG et les citoyens du Mali à mieux défendre leurs droits en matière d'eau et d'assainissement ? Read more...
How can you help NGOs and citizens in Mali better stand up for their rights when it comes to water and sanitation? Read more...
IRC and World Vision unroll, during a national workshop, their Joint Program in three Malian districts Read more...