Find out about what IRC is doing and what is going on in the world of water, sanitation and hygiene. Use the filters to narrow down your search.
IRC leads the cross-country learning and knowledge component.
IRC leidt de kenniscomponent en het leren tussen landen. Read more...
Collecting small monthly payments will help waste collectors build their business. Read more...
In the first nine months of the strategic partnership Watershed – empowering citizens context analysis and stakeholder and factor analyses have been carried out. These analyses will give direction to the partnership's activities for the coming months. Read more...
The largest NGO in the world, BRAC headquartered in Bangladesh, applies its development aid concepts outside Bangladesh in ten countries around the world. The silver bullet? Building on the strength of each individual. An interview with Petra Costerman Boodt, BRAC International's Resident... Read more...
A BRAC/IRC case study shows that tea stalls in Bangladesh are ideal to teach men about hygiene. Read more...
Ms. Nameerah Khan, Coordinator of Knowledge Management of the BRAC Water, Sanitation and Hygiene programme met with Dutch organisations active in Bangladesh. Read more...
New report reveals how BRAC, an innovative NGO in Bangladesh, provided sanitation to 39 million people. Read more...
Having local researchers work with local stakeholders on the development of monitoring tools has been an important success of the Action Research for Learning programme. Read more...
Under his leadership more than 37 million people in Bangladesh were provided with hygienic sanitation. Read more...
Join us at SACOSAN-VI to talk about sharing data for decision making on WASH in Schools Read more...
Communities in Ghana, Ethiopia, Uganda and Bangladesh are en route to better health with the help of local NGOs. Read more...
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IRC, Simavi, Wetlands International and Akvo partner up to increase sustainability of water, sanitation and hygiene services Read more...
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, IRC, Simavi, Wetlands International en Akvo gaan intensief samenwerken aan verbetering duurzaam beheer van water, sanitaire en hygiëne voorzieningen en van waterbronnen. Read more...
Did you know poverty is both a cause and a consequence of disability? 1 in 5 of poor people in developing countries are disabled. They often lack basic services, including accessible sanitation. At IRC we believe this needs to change. Read more...
“People are developing a taste for healthy living. They want improvement‑compared to us and what we are doing, they want better.” Md Amin Uddin one of the elders in Arua village in Keshabpur upazila, Jessore district, Bangladesh is optimistic about the future. Read more...
In Bangladesh is de grootste NGO van de wereld, BRAC, hard op weg om goede sanitaire voorzieningen te krijgen voor iedereen. IRC werkt met hen samen in één van de grootste sanitaire programma's ter wereld. In dit interview vertelt IRC sanitatie expert Ingeborg Krukkert haar verhaal over haar werk... Read more...
In Bangladesh, the largest NGO in the world BRAC is working its way up to help the country to get proper sanitation. It has reached more than half of the population since the start nine years ago. It is one of the world's largest sanitation implementation programmes. IRC works with BRAC to make it... Read more...
IRC is proud to be a 'knowledge partner' in the BRAC WASH programme, reaching millions in Bangladesh. Partnering for sustained impact is not only about sharing expertise, but putting knowledge and skills to work for the BRAC WASH mission and priorities. Our role is to advise, support and facilitate... Read more...
At the 14th World Toilet Summit 2015, BRAC received the "Hall of Fame Award" for significant contributions to the sanitation sector in Bangladesh. Read more...