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Published on: 24/02/2012

The reports were generated from a study into the cost of water and sanitation services received by the inhabitants in the respective communities.

WASHCost is sharing these research findings to improve the quality of basic cost information about community WASH services to informs policy and practice in the WASH sector in Ghana. The publication series will interest community members, policy makers, researchers, service providers, donors and other sector stakeholders.

The first batch of four out of 31community reports are Akpopkloe, Grushie Zongo, Amedzikope and Pease.

Below are highlights of the findings.


A community with three functional formal water systems which provide water to the populace within 500 metres, one source is however, perceived to be poor because of its ‘bad’ taste and odour so not very much patronised. Less than half of the community has access to improved sanitation. 

Grushie Zongo

This community has to travel a long distance to access water.
They only use formal water sources when informal ones are not available. Community members’ inability or unwillingness to pay for water use from the formal sources threatens their sustainability.
The community has no toilet facilities and everybody practises open defecation.


The Amedzikope community is considered one of the poorest in the district due to low levels of development, living standards and socio-economic activity. The community does not fully meet national rural water service standards. Less than half of people access enough water from formal sources, while the national standard for “crowding” is not met for anyone. The community has one institutional (school) toilet while 16 out of 74 households have VIP or traditional household toilets.


A community where seven boreholes were drilled, only two were working and only one was fully acceptable to the community.

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