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Published on: 29/11/2012

WASHCost Mozambique is saying farewell to their partners in the country, but leaving behind a treasure chest of resources.

The country team was preparing for a farewell set of presentations to 50 key people in the sector, as this bulletin went to press.

WASHCost has been firmly embedded within the National Directorate for Water (DNA), providing the sector with critical data about contract costs, expenditure and service levels at central, provincial, district and community level. This data is already being used in the country to prepare budgets and has been especially welcomed by planners at provincial level.

Typically, the farewell presentations were being made at a sector annual planning meeting in Nampula in the north of the country, attended by senior governmental and provincial technical staff as well as by NGOs.

Presentations were to be made by Project Country Director André Uandela, Country Coordinator Arjen Naafs, Data Analyst, Julia Zita, governance specialist Alana Potter and by Rutger Verkerk, Senior Program Manager at the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre. Messias Macie, Head of Planning and Control at DNA was co-hosting the meeting.

In a document highlighting ten key findings from the project, Andre Uandela says: “The project has come to a close, but the ideas and approaches have been introduced into the sector and are being further embedded by training professionals working in the sector. The aim is sustainable services in every district in the country. Please use this data as a motivator and a baseline for the future and continue to collect and analyse data that will help the WASH sector to transform the lives of people.”

Training programmes on the life-cycle costs approach continue and DNA will continue to collect data on contracts and use them in budgeting.

WASHCost is leaving a compendium of documents that explain methodology and findings.

Peter McIntyre

29 November 2012



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