UNICEF is developing and testing the “Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Bottleneck Analysis Tool (WASH-BAT)”. This tool integrates, among others “the approaches and concepts of other recent tools and initiatives in the WASH sector.
Published on: 01/03/2012
These include the Service Delivery Approach (SDA) that has been the basis of the WASHCost implemented by the IRC International Centre for Water and Sanitation. The SDA emphasises two key aspects: (a) what level of WASH service is attained from any given action; and (b) do the actions lead to sustained service delivery.
The overall aim of the WASH Bottleneck Analysis Tool (BAT) is to increase WASH sector resources and efficiency to achieve more sustainable and equitable outcomes. This is achieved through facilitation of dialogue with sector financiers, in particular Ministries of Finance and donors.
The tool assures financiers that funds are being spent in the most efficient and equitable way, and that linkages are clearly made to expected impact (health, economic and social outcomes); and increasing the focus of policy makers and sector professionals on utilizing limited sector resources to their best ends, with emphasis on removing the key barriers to sector development. The tool provides a rational, evidence-based approach for formulating an investment strategy that meets multiple sector aims of efficiency, equity and sustainability.”