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Published on: 11/02/2008

Ms Carol Nampiina's posting to her new workplace coincided with her monthly menstrual flow that fell in July, and it took her less than two days in her new office to try and confide in someone about her discomfort.

Nampiina was uncomfortable at office for unlike her previous residence where she easily disposed off her sanitary pads, her new office lacked a sanitary bin. During the times she had her flow, she had to wrap her used pad, keep it in her bag until late in the evening when she went back home to dispose it.

Indications are that the lack of proper places for disposal of used sanitary pads is one of the overlooked practices prevailing in modern offices in Uganda, which is aggravated by the fact that many offices do not have "women's only" toilets.

Read more: David Mugabe, East African Business Week (Kampala) /, 28 Jan 2008

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