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Published on: 16/01/2013

Practitioners working with water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) have seen a wealth of new technologies designed for data collection and analysis, and the pace of development is not slowing down. ICT is quickly changing relationships between stakeholders e.g. service providers and users, facilitating the measurement and monitoring of WASH interventions and enabling practitioners at a local level to use evidence to guide decision making and corrective actions.

But is there sufficient knowledge among WASH experts to apply these technologies effectively? What has worked and how? Who has access to the information and are incentives in place for using information to improve WASH services? What are the associated costs? Have we moved away from isolated project monitoring or simplistic baseline measurements? And are we being diverted by the allure of emerging technologies from the real issues of data integrity and the improvement of services?

The "ICT for monitoring sustainable service delivery" sessions will review the latest innovations through a series of presentations, case studies, and debates. Divided into five sub-themes, we will investigate the factors for successful design and implementation of ICT systems, review the latest in application of automated systems for data collection, showcase the processes and technologies applied in project and national monitoring systems, and debate the use of data for decision making. We will also be hosting 'demo space' evenings to showcase the latest technologies, applications, systems, and approaches. Here you will be able to see practical demonstrations and interact with experts and gadgets!

Continue to read about topic 5 or return to the IRC symposium 2013 pages here.

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