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Published on: 15/04/2011

On Friday April 8th, 2011 the Agency for Community Empowerment Participation and Transformation (ACEPT) organized a two-day intensive training in Henai town in Malen chiefdom, Pujehun district, for 30 traditional leaders assembled from towns and villages. The facilitators came from Pujehun District’s Health Management Team. The training, first of its kind, primarily focused on community-led total sanitation designed to step-up awareness and help provide the communities with tools to handle basic health problems within their localities. Giving an overview of the Project, National Coordinator, Earnest Alpha, said that at the close of the training the individual community will have appreciated the importance of having toilet facilities alongside the proper use of the acquired water wells which, he stated, are always monitored for the good use of the localities.
ACEPT, the National Coordinator said, has been implementing food for work under the sponsorship of United Nation World Food Programme during which vast plantations were brushed and rehabilitated for the first time after the protracted RUF rebel war, and that systematic awareness raising on the deadly HIV and AIDS was also embarked upon with the sponsorship of the United States Embassy which, he added, have equally been very successful. Earlier, both the Project Administrative Director, Allieu Jusu Kebbie and the Field Supervisor, Christopher Abu Baker Bangura, disclosed that UNICEF has approved a school sanitation and health education programme for three primary schools in Malen chiefdom, and that another 30 participants drawn from Galinas Perrie chiefdom were trained in Pujehun District to help carry out the all important aspect of learning to manage basic health activities in their towns and villages.

Source: Easmon Moiguah, AWOKO, 15 April 2011

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