Mr Sojan K Thomas, from Gram Vikas, shares the secrets behind this ground-breaking success in India. While narrating key principles that Gram Vikas followed in promoting total sanitation, he emphasises the cost sharing practices between the family and organisation.
Published on: 23/03/2012
Gram Vikas is a reputed voluntary organisation working in remote parts of Orissa, India. Gram Vikas pioneered the processes of promoting total sanitation in rural Orissa and demonstrated that sustainable sanitation services are possible at a large scale.
Mr Sojan K Thomas, from Gram Vikas, shares the secrets behind this ground-breaking success in India. While narrating key principles that Gram Vikas followed in promoting total sanitation, he emphasises the cost sharing practices between the family and organisation.
The film was conceptualised by MV Rama Chandrudu and produced by R Subramanyam, WASSAN (2011).
23 March 2012.