My Water, My Business 2016 is an exhibition and seminar focused on Self-supply and linked to World Water Day 2016. The ambitious aim this year is to bring together different approaches to household-level provision, so going beyond domestic water supply to include household irrigation, water treatment, and sanitation.
Published on: 11/03/2016
Ethiopia is pioneering new market-based approaches in water, sanitation and hygiene (WasH) that draw upon the resources of local people, communities and entrepreneurs to improve water security, food security and wealth. The Self-supply fair is organised as part of the 2016 World Water Day events – with a focus on 'water and jobs' - to bring attention to these household-level efforts. The events will connect sector policy-makers, development partners, professionals and local governments and communities. The overall message is that to complement the efforts of utilities, woredas and other service providers in WaSH, households are doing a lot themselves to improve their own water and sanitation facilities and related hygiene practices. This is creating new markets, new employment opportunities and as a new service delivery model, has implications for the way sector professionals go about their jobs. Harnessing these energies will support the One WASH National Programme and make a major contribution to the sector reaching its universal access targets.
Are you interested to find out about exciting new water, sanitation and hygiene products and services that are targeted at rural and urban household markets? Are you eager to demonstrate your company's products to professionals, policy makers and development partners? At the WaSH product fair, you will be able to see, test and buy exciting new products and services. Showcased products and services related to WaSH, household irrigation and biogas generation will include: lifting devices of all kinds from rope pumps to solar pumps and the latest low-cost motorised pumps, tools and equipment for well digging, manual drilling and maintenance, water storage solutions, household water treatment products to make water safe at home for drinking, latrine slabs and sanitation products, as well as financial and IT services, research products and training initiatives. The fair is expected to attract over 50 exhibitors to showcase and sell their products and services, with an award for the best exhibition stand.
This professional seminar will bring together stakeholders to share experiences, debate challenges and identify potential solutions to the critical policy and practice issues in household-led investment approaches. These include developing the enabling environment for household investment, strengthening businesses and supply chains, and improving the monitoring of Self-supply.
For more information please see the announcement below or contact Lemessa Mekonta at IRC Ethiopia. You can also watch a short video of last year's event here
My Water, My Business is organised by the national Self-supply Task Force at the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity with the support of the JICA-funded WAS-RoPSS Project, the Millennium Water Alliance, IRC, and AquaforAll. Other partners are invited to help co-organise the event. The event is organised as part of the 2016 World Water Day celebrations and events within the context of the One WASH National Programme and under the auspices of national, regional and local governments interested in household-led approaches to WaSH.