Under his leadership more than 37 million people in Bangladesh were provided with hygienic sanitation.
Published on: 16/01/2016
It is with great sadness that I pass on the news of the death of Dr. Babar Kabir on January 15 of this year. Babar was the former senior director of BRAC's disaster management and climate change programme (DECC) and the water, sanitation and hygiene programme (WASH).
Under his leadership the BRAC WASH programme provided more than 37 million people with hygienic sanitation and another two million with access to safe water in 250 sub-districts of Bangladesh.
Babar left BRAC in 2014 to become a consultant and recently became Bangladesh Country Director for Water.org
Dr. Babar Kabir, a giant. We are bereft with the news of his passing and in awe of his immense contributions to WASH and our community.
— Claire Lyons (@PPPAdvisory) January 15, 2016
I came to know Babar as a tireless and inspiring person, a fast and innovative thinker, while in his busy schedule always providing time for a personal talk whether you were of 'high or low rank'. When asking him: "How are you doing Babar?" he used to answer "I am fine, I am always fine". His unexpected demise has shocked us all.
In the words of Jan Willem Rosenboom: "Bangladesh lost a passionate, inspiring and tireless advocate for the poor. Let us be grateful for the work he did, and continue in his spirit".
A remarkable leader in the #sanitation field and a great partner; Babar will be greatly missed https://t.co/bEg5mqS1qa
— Brian Arbogast (@bearbogast) January 15, 2016
Babar was a friend and colleague to many of us. Our thoughts are with his wife and two daughters.
Ingeborg Krukkert
on behalf of IRC - knowledge partner of BRAC WASH; all IRC associates and all IRC consultants who have worked for BRAC WASH since 2006.
In 2013, Dr. Kabir gave this short video interview about the BRAC WASH programme for WaterCouchTV