Sahel Solidarité received the Burkinabé Merit Order 2010 for its work in water and sanitation, health, education and environment. The NGO was the only organisation to receive this prestigious award for 2010
Published on: 14/04/2011
Sahel Solidarité received the Burkinabé Merit Order 2010 for its work in water and sanitation, health, education and environment. The NGO was the only organisation to receive this prestigious award for 2010. Sahel Solidarité helps to promote hygiene in 20 remote villages in Burkina Faso. In each village it trains two people to take pictures of good and bad hygiene practices. These pictures are used in PowerPoint presentations that are screened during the evening for the whole village. Because these images are taken in their villages and presented by people they know in their own language, there is a greater chance that villagers will improve their hygiene practices.
Since 2005 the International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD), based in The Netherlands, supports Sahel Solidarité’s work.
Related news: Miep Lenoir, Burkina Faso: Multimedia tools help to change hygiene behaviour in Bokin district , E-Source, 13 Aug 2009
Source: Miep Lenoir, IICD, 27 Jan 2011