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Published on: 13/05/2014

District Councillor actively engages community for services that last

In Uganda, local politicians often interfere with the management of water supply facilities. They discourage water users from contributing the monthly operation and maintenance fees, arguing that the government provides free water to the population. This helps them win votes at election time. It is common to find water sources broken down for extended periods as the users wait for their elected leader to come and provide resources for repairs. In the meantime, they resort to unsafe water sources.

But, the case of Apopong sub-county in Pallisa District is different. A local political leader who wanted new water sources for his people was awakened to the fact that more than anything his constituents needed to revive and maintain the facilities they had. How did he go about mobilising community members who were not used to engaging in operation and maintenance activities? Watch this video to find out.



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