As a first step to introduce the life-cycle cost approach in Uganda, the Fontes Foundation Uganda with support from IRC, analysed how the Uganda rural WASH sector is financed. The new proposal for implementing the life-cycle costs approach, highlights the current and complex financing system of the WASH sector in Uganda. The document indicates that a number of tools for improving planning and budgeting are in place, but these are not always used to their full capacity—applying the life-cycle costs approach can help resolve financing issues linked to WASH service delivery.
Published on: 19/10/2012
An important next step in Uganda is for sector stakeholders to identify the life-cycle costs of rural WASH services in Uganda and start discussing the implications of this information and how it can be integrated in planning and budgeting both for capital expenditure and recurrent costs (e.g. operation and maintenance, rehabilitation and support) of rural WASH services.
Download the proposal from the link below.