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Published on: 08/07/2015

Ghana was one of the countries selected to host national consultations to contribute to defining potential priorities for the Post-2015 Development Agenda, as well to reflect on issues of implementation and the 'how' while drawing lessons for localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also has an active inter-governmental group supporting negotiations on the SDGs.

Philanthropic foundations are contributing to global and local development debates and implementation at national levels. Yet at the national level, systematic engagement of philanthropy is often missing, as is data on their contributions even in a country like Ghana with its vibrant NGO and philanthropic sector. In the light of the new goals, there is a clear call for systemic problem-solving between the UN, foundations, civil society and the government to achieve scale and deeper impact. That is why the Republic of Ghana, together with the Conrad N. Hiltond Foundation, Rockefeller Philantropy Advisors, UNDP, the Foundation Center and the MasterCard Foundation are organising the Post-2015 Partnership Platform for Philanthropy on 9 July 2015 in Accra.

Vida Duti will speak about ensuring water and sanitation for all by 2030. What will it take? What resources will government need to achieve this SDG 6? What catalytic role can philanthropy play? 

Despite significant investment by official donors and philanthropy in recent decades in the WASH sector, there are enduring challenges related to functionality, quality and sustainability of water and sanitation services. Vida will discuss how philanthropy can support the Government of Ghana to address these challenges in meeting their 2030 Plan: services for all. 

Please find the programme for this event in the link below. 



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