The book Supporting Rural Water Supply unpacks problems and identifies success factors in delivering rural water services. Now available from Practical Action.
Published on: 20/07/2011
Collectively, billions of dollars have been invested in the provision of rural water supply systems in developing countries over the past three decades. Although progress is being made and rates of coverage are increasing, users often find that, once installed, water supply systems are poorly maintained and eventually break down, leaving them with an unreliable and disrupted water supply.
Supporting Rural Water Supply takes a critical look and asks why we have been unable to provide a sustainable water service to rural people for so long? What are the critical success factors in the areas where there has been good progress? How can we support the adoption of a service delivery approach to rural water supply – one that moves beyond implementing infrastructure projects to delivering a reliable and indefinite service?
This book brings together findings from 13 country studies which were carried out as part of a global learning initiative – Sustainable Services at Scale, or Triple-S. It offers insights into ways countries and individual organisations can move towards a service delivery approach step by step and is a valuable resource for professionals in government departments, NGOs, development banks, and donor agencies who are interested in improving the design and implementation of rural water supply programmes and the benefits from investments.
‘This book represents a critical milestone in our understanding of the rural water sector –drawing together as it does a wide range of experiences across many different country contexts. The analysis not only unpacks some of the most important and persistent problems facing the sector, but also provides clear guidance for both policy makers and practitioners on the possible ways forward.’ - Richard Carter, Head of Technical Support, WaterAid, UK
'A must-read for those supporting progress in the water sector.' - Monica Ellis, CEO, Global Water Challenge
'Sustainability is a key issue facing the rural water sector. A summary of lessons learned in this respect deserves our full attention.' -Elizabeth Kleemeier, Senior Water and Sanitation Specialist, World Bank
You can download the PDF.