The Millenium Water Alliance – Ethiopia Programme (MWA-EP) brings together some of the largest NGOs working on WASH in Ethiopia. Just like in the One WASH National Programme, a new and eye catching activity in the second phase of the MWA-EP programme (2014-2017) is the inclusion of Self-supply acceleration.
Published on: 11/11/2014
Seeking to support government in extending services through household investment, the MWA-EP's Self-supply acceleration activities are modest but strategic. They aim to develop and pilot a high-quality and comprehensive package of 'software' activities to promote Self-supply and trigger family investments directly extending or improving services to 55,000 families. The bigger objective is to provide a comprehensive, tested and well documented model for Self-supply acceleration that is influential at regional and national levels.
Activities are starting in two woredas in Oromia (Omo Nada and Dugda) and five in Amhara (Kalu, Kelala, Estie, Farta and Dera). Self-supply acceleration at woreda level involve three lead partners (WVE, Care and CRS) working with the support of their local partners and with the support of IRC and Dutch foundation Aqua for All. IRC are coordinating the activities overall, and Aqua for All are focusing on critical business development and finance aspects.
On the 2nd October 2014, the partners held Self-supply acceleration sessions as part of the programme kick-off meeting, and from 27-31 October and 4-8 November 2014 training workshops were held in Adama (for Oromia) and Bahar Dar (for Amhara). These training workshops focused on supporting woredas (with NGO support) to develop a Self-supply acceleration plan based upon the national manual and a training curriculum developed by IRC (download here). Typically woreda's were represented by administration, water, agriculture, health, and finance or enterprise development staff. Other participants include MFIs, regional government, and other interested NGOs which included IRC (International Rescue Committee) and WaterAid. Trainers and expert inputs included IRC, Aqua for All, WAS-RoPSS, ACIS and staff.
Over the coming months, the participating woredas are expected to further develop and to start to implement their Self-supply acceleration plans. For more information please contact John Butterworth or Lemessa Mekonta.