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Published on: 02/10/2012



Key publications on Sanitation and costing sustainable services:

Sanitation financing models for the urban poor (Nov 2011)

At the heart of this paper is an attempt to search for pro-poor financing models that can facilitate the urban poor's access to complete sanitation servcies.

Providing a basic level of water and sanitation services that last: cost benchmarks - Infosheet

This Infosheet provides an overview of the minimum benchmarks for costing sustainable basic services in developing countries.

Assessing Sanitation service levels (September 2010)

This Working Paper is to set out sanitation service levels to be applied as an analytical tool for WASHCost research on the dissaggregated unit cost of water, sanitation and hygiene services. 

Cost-based decision support tools for water and sanitation (September 2011)

Using Decision support tools (DSTs) help improve WASH sector at all levels by guiding practitioners to the best-fitting water and sanitation solutions based on a particular set of criteria for each tool. Cost-based tools help decision makers understand and use expenditure data in their decision making.

The business of the honey-suckers in Bengaluru (India)

Operating outside the legal framework of waste management, this paper provides preliminary insight into the limitations and potentials of the 'honey-sucker business' as a sanitation service model, based on selected experiences in Bengaluru (India).

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